0 In 2013/ Our Story

The End of the 12 Month Honeymoon

Never Ending Honeymoon | Jacqui and the Only Lyon sign in Lyon, France

The last 12 months has gone by so quickly that it is hard to believe that we are no longer newlyweds. Since we are no longer newlyweds, I decided that the time had come to say goodbye to our “12monthhoneymoon.blog.com” blog. With the help of my good friend KM Graphic and Web Design I am happy to introduce you to our new website, appropriately titled


For our 12 month honeymoon finale, we celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary over two wonderful weeks in Egypt followed by moving house to South West London. In addition I signed a new work contract that will extend our honeymooning in the UK for another 13 months. Dan has also started a new role with a new company and plays in a rugby league team on the weekends. During a typical week I am usually frantically researching our next holiday destination and trying to keep up with my writing while Dan is running around the Clapham Common training for his Saturday games.

45 Dan playing footie

Every weekend that the sun has been out we venture out armed with light jackets, sun glasses, a picnic rug, lunch, a bottle of wine and our umbrellas (just in case) to bask in the sunshine. We have enjoyed picnics on the nearby Clapham Common, at Regent’s Park and up on Primrose Hill, overlooking London. Strangely the temperature has remained mild for spring and last Thursday it actually hailed and then snowed on the 16th floor of my office building! Luckily the weekend was a glorious 15+ degrees and we were able to enjoy a day out in Camden followed by a backyard BBQ while watching the Champions League final.

45 Primrose Hill

Other than glorious sunny days, our house warming party and a few London high teas, we have also been enjoying our limited time in London by pretending that we haven’t just reached our ‘late twenties’.

At the end of April a friend and I spent an afternoon touring the Warner Brothers “The Making of Harry Potter” studio tour. We gaped in awe at the Gryffindor Common Room, Dumbledore’s Office and Potions Classroom then visited 4 Privet Drive and strolled through the Great Hall and down Diagon Alley. We had a wonderful afternoon drinking Butterbeer and learning all about the making of the massive eight part movie series.

45 Butterbeer

The following weekend Dan and I had our apartment to ourselves as our housemates visited family and friends outside of London. So, being the twenty-something, married and mature adults that we are, we decided that staying in and building a fort was the best way to spend a Friday night together. Yes… we used mattresses, blankets, curtains and cushions to build the biggest, bestest fort that was ever built by a couple without children! What else do you do on a Friday night when you have the house to yourself?

45 Fort

During May we also spent a weekend visiting my parents and Grandparents in Lyon, France. We had a wonderful, if incredibly wet, weekend that mainly consisted of us eating our way through the most incredible French food in the region.

45 Lyon

45 Tartare de Beuof

With high hopes that the weather in London is going to be better than that in Lyon, we are planning a trip to Brighton on Saturday to see the famous pier and pebble beach. Wish us luck!

J & D


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