
4 rashes of smoked bacon = £3.00 per packet

130g (half a tub) of double cream = £1.70 for a tub

2 egg yolks = £1.50 for 6 free range eggs

Half a (small) Sliced Red Onion = £0.20 each

1 clove of chopped/crushed Garlic = £0.80 for a 3 pack

Salt and pepper (to taste)

Mushrooms (optional and to taste) = £1.00 per bag

Grated Parmesan Cheese = £2.00 per bag or £3.50 per block

Spaghetti, Fettuccini or Linguine (any pasta of choice) = £1.00 per 1kg pack

Method: Lightly fry onions, a little garlic and bacon. Cook pasta separately. Mix the cooked pasta, onions, bacon, garlic, egg yolks and cream in a very large bowl with ¼ block of grated parmesan cheese until combined and pasta is fully covered with creamy sauce. Let sit for 2 minutes and serve hot

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